Epa Food Waste

How Do You Find the Right Compost Facility?

In the last blog update about composting we explained why it can be tough to find a compost facility. As we work behind the scenes to come up with an extensive list of facilities that will be able to compost your EcoPods, here are some useful tips for locating an EcoPods compost facility near you:

1. Using Search Engines

As previously mentioned, you may be surprised at the amount of compost facilities you think you found while using your favorite search engine. But it’s actually pretty tough to find ones that accept food waste. So, we’ve pulled together some steps to help you decipher your search.

  • We recommend entering your city/county and “compost facility”
  • If the city or county’s website link doesn’t bring you straight to the compost/organics recycling page, locate the city’s Solid Waste Management/Environmental Services department page
  • Unfortunately, if nothing is found, your closest location may not have any food compost facilities near you
  • If you are able to locate the compost facility, make sure you look for the materials accepted at the facility
  • If the facility states that “brush, grass, and tree trimmings” are accepted, but there’s no info on food waste or compostable plastics, the facility will likely not accept your EcoPods
  • However, if “food waste” and/or “compostable plastics” are listed, the facility will likely accept your EcoPods!

food waste map

2. EPA Excess Food Opportunities Map

Using search engines is probably the most common way to find compost facilities, however, it isn’t necessarily the most efficient. The EPA has compiled a list of most compost facilities located in the U.S. We recommend using these steps to help locate a compost facility near you:

  • Click EPA Excess Food Opportunities Map
  • Select the layer icon on the top right corner of the page
    • The icon resembles three pieces of paper “layered” on top of one another
    • Each “checklist box” is a layer for the map. Make sure ONLY the “recipients of excess food” box is checked
  • Select the “All Composting Facilities” option by clicking on the three-dotted symbol to the left
    • Now, select “Open Attribute Table” It will load at bottom of page
  • Select “State” from Attribute Table
    • Determine whether sorted by name ascending/descending
  • Find your state, then locate facilities within your county/city lines
    • For each facility, determine the feedstocks (compostable material) accepted under the “Feedstock” column
    • If food waste and/or compostable plastics are listed, facility will likely accept your used EcoPods.

We hope these tips help you find a compost facility near you so you can start composting your used EcoPods! In our next blog post, we’re hoping to share an updated list of compost facilities in the midwest and south that have said they’d accept your used EcoPods!

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