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Life is Too Short to Drink Bad Coffee

I have been a bit remiss in doing this lately. But, I have been busy doing something that I love.

I am lucky enough to work in the coffee industry.

As the Cameron’s Coffee Roastmaster, I was thinking the other day about what it means to me to be able to go to a job that I really enjoy. I mean what is there not to love about coffee? It’s the beverage that is enjoyed all over the world, and produced in many different countries across the globe. It is very diverse in the way it tastes, depending on where it is produced and how it is processed. It’s delicious and good for you too, in moderation of course.

Some people call me a coffee snob, and I am fine with that.

I am just very passionate about coffee and that makes me good at what I do. It makes me smile to see people enjoying a delicious cup of coffee that I had a hand in sourcing and roasting. So, yeah, it means a lot to me, working with coffee and finding really good coffee for people to enjoy. So enjoy. Life is too short to drink bad coffee.

I’ll be back next time talking about my upcoming trip to Colombia.

We highlighted Patrick’s journey to becoming an Arabica Q Grader in our previous post.

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