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The Optimist’s New Year’s Resolution

At the start of the calendar year, we often find ourselves reflecting on the good and not so good moments of the prior year. Many of us also begin to think about what we’d like to change moving forward. It is, after all, the perfect time to turn over a new leaf!

New Year’s resolutions actually originated back in 18th century BC. This time-tested tradition has been around for what seems like forever, but did you know that 88% of people who set New Year’s resolutions actually fail to keep them? That’s why we wanted to share with you the optimist’s approach to New Year’s resolutions!

Step 1:

Rethink the time frame of your New Year’s resolution. Instead of framing it as something to continue for a year’s time, which often allows for excuses for not achieving your goal, remind yourself, “I might not make it until the end of the year with my New Year’s resolution, but with the help of my favorite Cameron’s Coffee blend, I might achieve it today”.

Step 2:

Choose smaller & more attainable goals to achieve, not a single, big, far-off one. For instance, if your goal is to save money and not go out to eat as often in 2019, each week, try to bring one more lunch packed from home. You may find yourself starting a new habit of never going out to eat during the work week!

Step 3:

Instead of a typical New Year’s goal of getting healthier or starting a new job, choose to focus more on your mental well-being. Make a point each day of spending more time thinking positively, laughing and taking the time to truly enjoy your morning cup of coffee. May we suggest snuggling up on the couch with a cup of Crème Brûlée Latte?

Step 4:

Another non-traditional goal for 2019 could be to share your positive attitude and happiness with others. You know the saying “Pay It Forward”? Make 2019 the year you live like that! Find somewhere in your community to volunteer, pay for the lunch order of the car behind you in the drive-thru, help someone struggling with their groceries bring them to their car. Small acts of kindness truly do make other people’s day!

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